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Cpu-Cloud - per hour server rent for mining - 200 EUR free bonus for cpu mining.

Getting Started Guide

1. Create account.

  • Register here, or login if you already have account
  • Create a worker that will be used by the miner to login
  • 2. Download a miner.
  • 3. Configure your miner.

    Settings for Stratum (recommended):

    Password:Worker Password

    If you use a command-line miner, type:

  • Minerd
  • ./minerd -a qubit -o stratum+tcp://myr-qubit.cpu-pool.net:3590 -u Weblogin.Worker -p Worker password

    If you want, you can create additional workers with usernames and passwords of your choice here

    4. Create a MyrCoin address to recieve payments.

    • Downloading the client & block chain: Download the MyrCoin client from here.

      Generate a new address and input it on your account page to receive payments.